General Medicine

General Medicine

Book an Appointment : 06123540100

General medicine refers to the branch of medicine that is related to diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting different parts of the body by using non-surgical methods. The internist works with different organs of the patients such as the heart, lungs, brain, and others.

A specialist in the field of internal medicine is a general physician. They keep records of the patient's symptoms, previous illness, any allergies, or any disease in the family history. They must also know about the lifestyle of the patient which plays a significant role in his health.

Role of General Medicine Practitioner

  • They treat patients by performing regular tests for diagnosing the condition and providing medication. They might consult specialist opinions if necessary.
  • They focus on your physical as well as mental health.
  • They also concentrate on providing preventive measures such as immunizations, health counseling, and physical activities.
  • General Medicine practitioners treat patients of all age groups; from children to adults.
  • They often become family doctors and are termed family physicians.
  • They are not likely to perform surgeries.

Common Diseases Concerning General Medicine Practitioner

General Medicine deals with diseases that are of both acute and chronic nature. Also, the restriction of these diseases is not to any one body part. Rather, these diseases can develop in any region of the body.  A To get this particular treatment, you should search General Medicine near me. Below some common disease details:

  • Asthma Asthma is a respiratory disease affecting lungs pathways by making the airway narrow/swell, producing mucus. It leads to difficulty in breathing.


  • Cough (dry, with phlegm, mild or severe)
  • Chest pressure
  • Shortness of breath at night
  • Throat irritation
  • Rapid breathing
  • Pale face

What are the treatment options?

The treatment depends upon the condition of the patients.

  • Long-term Medications- Long-term medications involve the intake of corticosteroids to keep your asthma under control.
  • Inhalers- These are the fast treatment for asthma. They consist of inhaled corticosteroids. They provide instant relief from sudden asthma problems. A person with severe asthma is more likely to have an inhaler with them all time.
  • Thyroid malfunctions- It is caused when there is either hypoproduction i.e., hypothyroidism (less production), or hyperproduction i.e., hyperthyroidism (excess production) of thyroid hormones.

Excess production of Thyroxin (T4) causes hyperthyroidism also known as Grave disease.

Lesser production of TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) by the pituitary gland causes hypothyroidism.


The symptoms of thyroid malfunction depend upon the disease under concern. However, some basic symptoms of thyroid disorder are as follows-

  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Mood changes
  • Weight fluctuations
  • Skin issues
  • Sensitivity to temperature changes
  • Vision changes (in hyperthyroidism) ...
  • Hair thinning or hair loss
  • Memory issues


Treatments may include monitoring, medication, radioactive iodine treatments according to the situation of the patient. The thyroid problems are dealt with regular check-ups and medicines.

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BIG Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Patna

Call: 06123540100

Consultation of a doctor is a must.

  • Allergies- Allergies are the oversensitivity of the immune system towards certain substances or foods. The exact cause of the allergy is unknown. However, it may be due to disorders of the immune system. The most common allergy is an allergy to milk and milk products.


  • Sneezing
  • itchy, runny, or blocked nose
  • itchy, red, watering eyes (conjunctivitis)
  • Wheezing
  • chest tightness, and shortness of breath
  • Swelling in lips, tongue, eyes, or face.


Allergy is incurable. They can only be managed through proper medications under the proper guidance of doctors. Antihistamines, corticosteroids are drugs for inhibiting allergic reactions.

Our Specialists

>Dr Farogh Haidry

General Medicine