Total Elbow Replacement Surgery in Patna, Bihar

Arthritis is a degenerative condition that affects bones and joints, leading to their deterioration over time. This ailment can strike both young and elderly individuals. Among the areas susceptible to arthritis is the elbow joint, which, when severely affected, may necessitate surgical intervention. This article sheds light on the total elbow replacement surgery performed at Big Apollo Spectra Hospital, Patna, offering insights into the procedure's significance. 

Understanding Total Elbow Replacement Surgery

Total elbow replacement surgery, or total elbow arthroscopy (TEA), is a medical procedure carried out at Big Apollo Spectra Hospital, Patna, to address damaged sections of the radius, ulna, or the elbow joint. These damaged portions are substituted with prosthetic bones and joints. While not as common as knee or hip replacements, elbow replacement surgeries have proven effective in mitigating joint pain and restoring normal elbow function. 

Indications for Total Elbow Replacement Surgery
In addition to the procedure's fundamentals, let's delve into the medical scenarios warranting total elbow replacement surgery or elbow arthroscopy:

·        Rheumatoid Arthritis: This form of arthritis often afflicts young adults and middle-aged individuals. It stems from chronic inflammation of the synovial membrane encircling joints, causing pain, stiffness, and cartilage loss—a condition known as inflammatory arthritis.
·        Osteoarthritis: Primarily linked to aging, osteoarthritis is a degenerative type of arthritis that can occasionally affect younger people as well. Cartilage, which cushions joints, erodes due to age, causing bones to grind against each other and resulting in pain and stiffness.
·        Severe Fracture: Significant fractures in the elbow resulting from accidents may not be effectively treated through plaster or medications alone. In such cases, elbow replacement surgery becomes imperative.
·        Post-Traumatic Arthritis: Injuries sustained in the past can lead to gradual deterioration of ligaments and cartilage over time, prompting the need for elbow replacement surgery.

Should any of these conditions escalate in severity, promptly seeking guidance from a specialist is recommended. 

Procedure of Total Elbow Replacement Surgery

The steps involved in total elbow replacement surgery encompass:

·        Administering general or local anesthesia to numb sensations before the procedure.
·        Conducting vital checks, including blood pressure and blood flow assessment.
·        Making incisions on the skin aligned with joint positions.
·        Carefully displacing tendons and tissues to expose the bone without causing harm.
·        Employing surgical instruments to extract damaged bone and joint components.
·        Substituting the removed parts with metal, plastic, or carbon-coated materials.
·        Performing essential repairs.

Potential Risks and Complications
Potential risks and complications associated with total elbow replacement surgery include:

·        Elbow infections
·        Implant-related issues
·        Wound healing challenges
·        Nerve injury

While these conditions and side effects are generally temporary and treatable, prompt consultation with a healthcare professional is advised if any problems arise. 

Any bone-related issue should not be taken lightly. At the first signs of joint pain, stiffness, or a severe elbow fracture, seeking immediate medical attention is crucial. Healthcare professionals will offer optimal solutions and, if necessary, guide you to a proficient surgeon for further evaluation and treatment.