Regrow Treatment & Diagnostics in Patna

Regrow medicine is a remarkable advancement in the field of medical science, offering innovative solutions for treating various conditions. This branch of biological science focuses on harnessing the body's own healing capabilities to repair damaged tissues, muscles, and ligaments. By utilizing growth factors, plasma therapy, and stem cells, regrow medicine accelerates the healing process of torn muscles, ligaments, and other tissues. If you're grappling with pain or muscle injuries, seeking guidance from an orthopedic specialist in Patna is advisable to explore Regrow therapy.


Exploring Regrow Therapy:

Regrow therapy involves harnessing naturally occurring substances from your body and applying them with cutting-edge technology to treat non-healing wounds. This approach triggers tissue regeneration at the site of the wound, facilitating the healing process and alleviating pain and inflammation. Since Regrow therapy is still under research, consulting an orthopedic specialist in Patna is recommended to gain comprehensive insights into this treatment. 

Eligibility for Regrow Therapy:

Regrow therapy targets injuries where normal bleeding and healing processes are impaired, leading to persistent pain and inflammation. This therapy may be suitable for the following conditions:
        Hip, knee, and joint pain
        Discomfort while lying down
        Stiffness and joint swelling
        Limited range of motion in certain joints 

An experienced orthopedic specialist can guide you through the procedure and its potential benefits in addressing a wide range of injuries. 

Purposes of Regrow Therapy:

Regrow therapy serves as an effective treatment for a variety of severe injuries, ranging from cartilage damage to spinal disc degeneration. Some successfully treated injuries include:
        Cartilage damage: Resulting from trauma, accidents, sports injuries, or aging.
        Avascular necrosis: Occurs when bone tissues in the hip joint die due to inadequate blood supply.
        Non-healing fractures: These persistent fractures can find relief through Regrow therapy.
        Spinal disc degeneration: A solution for spine disc wear and tear due to age-related changes.

Diverse Approaches to Regrow Therapy:

Notable types of Regrow therapies include:

        Bone Cell Therapy: Involves extracting bone marrow, isolating and cultivating bone cells in a lab, and implanting them in the affected area to accelerate healing and cell replacement.
        Cartilage Cell Therapy: Focuses on extracting, culturing, and implanting healthy cartilage cells to stimulate new cartilage growth at the injured site.
        Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate (BMAC): Involves extracting stem cells and growth factors from bone marrow, which are then injected into the affected area to expedite healing.

Benefits and Risks of Regrow Therapy:


        Minimally invasive procedure
        Reduces the need for bone or joint replacement
        Utilizes the body's own cells, ensuring a natural treatment approach
        Addresses the root cause of the condition, not just its symptoms 


        Potential risk of infection at the treatment site
        Occasional swelling and discomfort in the treated area 

Regrow medicine is an evolving treatment approach in orthopedics, employing the body's own cells to aid in healing damaged areas. As this technique uses the patient's cells, the risk of rejection is minimal. If you're considering Regrow therapy, consulting an orthopedic specialist in Patna is essential to assess its suitability and potential outcomes for your unique needs. 

Request an appointment at Big Apollo Spectra Hospital, Patna

Call 0612-3540100 to book an appointment