Treatment of Paralysis in Patna – Big Apollo Spectra Hospital

Treatment of paralysis in Patna

Living with paralysis is not the kind of life that anyone would want. It affects your mobility which impacts almost every aspect of your life.

So, if you or anyone in your belongings have paralysis, make sure to get medical attention right away. This medical condition occurs when something disrupts the patient’s nerve signals and muscles.

In simple terms, a temporary or permanent loss of voluntary movement is considered paralysis.

We at Big Apollo Spectra – the best paralysis hospital in Patna deal with numerous paralysis cases and according to our knowledge and experience there are sever types of this disease.

Monoplegia, Hemiplegia, Paraplegia, and Quadriplegia are some of the most common ones. This is why our neurologist designs personalized Treatment of paralysis in Patna, based on its types.


Best Treatment of Paralysis in Patna

If you have noticed early symptoms of paralysis, then wait no more and opt for the treatments. There are different types of paralysis symptoms treatments in medical science and here are 6 most common ones:

#1. Physical Therapy

Whether you are looking for the treatment of paralysis on the left side of the body or the opposite side, choosing physical therapy will never be a bad choice.

According to the best paralysis doctor in Patna, this method can make people walk and stand even with total paralysis.

It increases muscle strength and stamina, along with maintaining tissue length and range of motion. A trained physical therapist will make you perform some low-intensity exercises that will slowly and gradually improve your condition.

If your condition is not severe then within 3 or 4 months you will start seeing results. In severe cases, it may take a year.


#2. Occupational Therapy

How do you take care of a paralyzed person? Well, there can be many answers to it but as the best super speciality hospital in Patna, we believe that giving the patients a best treatment is the most effective way of caring.

When talking about treatments occupational therapy is also one of the best ways to deal with paralysis. In this method, the therapist works with the patients and makes them do activities that occupy their time.

Additionally, making the patients fully engaged in those activities is also what an occupational therapist focuses on. It also includes tasks and activities like physical therapy.


#3. Devices

Have you ever wondered how the great Stephens Hawkins manages to talk and communicate with people? Well, he takes help from a speech-generating device that allows him to share his thoughts even with total body paralysis.

Like these technological advancements in medical science are changing the lives of people. This assistive device also plays a crucial role in helping people with paralysis.

The most common type of assertive device is a wheelchair that provides mobility to the patients.

They may not be the answer to the question “What is the best treatment for paralysis?” but they can surely help to improve the lives of people who are suffering from permanent paralysis.


#4. Medication

Paralysis is a severe condition and to deal with it one needs to rely on medication along with other therapies.

Even the famous neurologist in Patna suggest their patients to have medication for the betterment of their health.

Most of the paralysis treatment tablets include muscle relaxants and pain relievers. Also in some severe cases, doctors suggest their clients rely on paralysis treatment injection which is directly injected into the veins.

But which one is the best medicine for paralysis patients? Well, it varies depending on the severity of patients’ conditions.

A study suggests that paralysis patients may have to take more than 5 medicines in a day to deal with the situation.

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#5. Surgical Amputation

This method is very rarely used in the Treatment of paralysis in Patna. This is because it deals with issues related to limbs and not the spinal and peripheral chords.

However, in cases where a damaged limb is the culprit behind the issues, the doctors rely on surgical amputation as an indirect treatment.

In this procedure, the surgeon tries to remove part of the limb or the entire limb from the body.

It improves mobility, function, and the quality of life especially when the limb is causing unbearable pain. Paralysis is caused by damaged limb when patients go through severe trauma and injury.


#6. Surgery

Traumatic injury and sometimes medical conditions are what cause sudden paralysis in the legs. However, new medical advancements in medical science have enabled paralyzed patients to walk within hours.

Additionally, now there’s a way to complete the broken circuit between the spinal cord and affected nerve by embedding implants through surgery.

Decompression surgery is also one of the best surgical ways to deal with paralysis issues. In this particular procedure, the surgeon tries to stabilize the spine and relieve pressure on nerves.

All these surgical treatments are provided in a personalized way according to the needs of the patients.

If you have decided which treatment of paralysis in Patna will be best for you among all the 6 options, then don’t come to any conclusion without knowing the cost.


Treatment Cost of Paralysis in Patna

If you come this far in, you must know what are the 3 types of paralysis along with the treatments. However, in the process of choosing the best one among them, one needs to have an estimate of treatment cost.

So, the prices may vary depending on different reasons but on average it will range between & ₹ 7000 to ₹ 100000. These numbers may also increase when we add on other expenses like hospital fees and medicines costs.

However, if you want an affordable treatment for paralysis, you must come to Big Apollo Spectra Best Neurology Hospital in Patna.


Get the Best Treatment for Paralysis in Patna at Big Apollo Spectra

Big Apollo Spectra is one such multispecialty hospital in Patna that is famous for dealing with neurological treatments.

This health center has the availability of some best neurologists in Patna. Patients who have visited this Neuro Hospital in Patna review it as the best in town.

They have a vast range of neurological services that can help deal with paralysis causes. From physical therapy to occupational, Big Apollo Spectra has all kinds of treatments.

They also provide speech therapy which helps people with acute face paralysis. The top brain specialist doctor in Patna – Dr. Anil Kumar Jha has been appointed at Big Apollo Spectra as head of the neurology department.

These committed health experts will not only give you personalized treatment but will also guide you on how to prevent paralysis in the future.

So, don’t waste your time searching “paralysis specialist doctor near me” and book an appointment with Dr. Anil Kumar Jha at Big Apollo Spectra Hospital ASAP.


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