How to Recover from ACL Surgery Tips – Do’s and Don’ts

Recovery from ACL Surgery Tips

Having an ACL surgery is the best decision to deal with an ACL tear or injury. But, one should remember that the story doesn’t end just after undergoing the surgery.

The recovery part is as important as the surgical procedure. life after ACL surgery is going to be as easy as you thought it would be. Any kind of surgery takes a toll on physical health and comes with unique challenges.

The first few weeks after your surgery are going to be very crucial for achieving long-term results.

This is why we at Big Apollo Spectra advise our patients to start taking their recovery period seriously as soon as possible.

We have appointed a top orthopedic doctor in Patna to educate and help our patients with their recovery and rehabilitation period.

Additionally, at this Apollo Hospital in Patna, you also get a world-class super friendly environment that supports recovery.

If you wish to get your ACL surgery done at our hospital then wait no more as contact us for an appointment. Meanwhile, in this blog, we will discuss recovery from ACL surgery tips.


Recovery from ACL Surgery Tips

According to the best orthopedic doctor in Patna making an ACL surgery successful depends on the quality of self-care during the recovery period.

Those who witness bad signs after ACL surgery are patients who are generally not serious about their recovery process. If you don’t want to be that patient then:

#1. Learn to Manage Pain

As the best orthopedic hospital in Patna, we deal with ACL surgery patients daily. According to us, the first thing an ACL surgery patient should learn is managing pain.

This is because a high pain level will not let you perform necessary activities and physical movements that are crucial for your recovery.

To control the pain you can use painkillers medicines but not without taking advice from your doctor. Some people also rely on traditional methods like applying ice bags and cold therapy for managing pain.


#2. Get Plenty of Sleep

What to do the first week after ACL surgery? Well, there are many things that you can do in the first week but, sleeping well will be the most crucial one.

Sleep doesn’t only refresh the mind but it also fixes physical abnormalities.

The best ACL surgeon in Patna claims that the lack of sleep is one of the biggest concerns of ACL surgery patients.

There can be many causes of inadequate sleep like high levels of pain and less range of motion. To deal with this issue you can rely on sleeping aid pills.


#3. Eat Nutritious Food

Don’t slack off when it comes to nutrition otherwise, you have to search for a “good orthopedic doctor near me” for revision surgery. Your body is in the healing stage and for that, it needs good nutrition.

Well, after the surgery you will not have as big an appetite as you had before but still, you need to eat.

It’s very crucial to fuel your muscles to get back on your feet as quickly as you can. Have a balanced diet that includes lean protein, carbs, fruit, and vegetables.


#4. Stay Hydrated

You will have almost 3 to 4 weeks of ACL surgery recovery time off work. When we stay at home resting we generally tend to forget about the importance of hydrating our body. Water is one of the most crucial things for healing and recovery.

Health experts suggest that ACL surgery patients should at least drink half of their body weight in ounces of water if you can do more then it’s better.

To avoid the bland taste of water don’t switch to flavored ones as they have extra added sugar.


#5. Reduce Swelling

Swelling is part of ACL surgery almost every patient experiences it. Sometimes the patients experience swelling after ACL surgery for 1 year. This occurs because of the inflammatory response of the body.

It will cause pain and may also create difficulty in bodily movements by causing joint stiffness. This is why many patients are compelled to search for a “bone specialist near me” to get advice about decreasing the swelling.

Applying ice and wearing compression tubs are some of the methods to fight swelling.


#6. Get the knee-bending

Do you know some patients can’t straighten their knee 6 months after ACL surgery?

You can also be one if you don’t bend your knees slowly after the surgery. Bending your knee and Straightening your legs helps achieve the full range of motion.

It is necessary for performing day-to-day activities. If you have hired a professional physiotherapist then he will help you with that.

If you are not able to bend or extend your leg then place your hands behind the knee for assistance and then bend it.


#7. Strengthen Your Quads

Walking too much after ACL surgery is not good but taking a brisk walk can help in recovery.

It will keep the blood flow running which will support the healing process. But, to walk without the fear of complications you have to strengthen your quads.

Strong front thigh muscles will ensure that your knee doesn’t buckle when you walk. Additionally, not using your quad muscles during the recovery period may lead to muscle loss.

It is one of the biggest muscles in the body and that’s why one week of quads wasting requires six weeks of rehabilitation.


#8. Take Care of Your Mental Health

If you wish to speed up the ACL and meniscus surgery recovery timeline then along with focusing on physical health try to take care of your mental health too.

If you search for a “bone doctor near me” and ask them about the ACL recovery they’ll advise you the same, especially if you are an athlete.

This is because the sports person looks the ACL surgery as the end of their career but that’s not the case.

The stress of not going back to the field will increase the cortisol level in the body which will affect the healing process. So, take care of your mental health too if you wish to have a faster recovery.

Use this recovery from ACL surgery tips and aim to achieve better and faster results. Along with following those tips don’t forget to be in touch with your surgeon or doctor.


Effective ACL Surgery Recovery Techniques

ACL surgery is a common procedure that is used to deal with ACL tear and injury.

It is an effective method but without good after-surgical care it not gonna show desirable results. This why in this blog we have given you 8 recovery from ACL surgery tips.

They will help you to get faster and better results. Also, talk to the ortho doctor of a top hospital in Patna regarding your recovery, and if by chance you searching for a “bone hospital near me” then you can visit Big Apollo Spectra.

Here you will get the chance to meet the top orthopedic professionals of Patna.

All of them are famous for treating their patients as a family. They believe that educating patients about their treatment and aftercare leads to better results.

Additionally, with us you also don’t have to be stressed about the ACL surgery cost in Patna as our treatments are pretty affordable.

So, wait no more and contact Big Apollo Spectra for world-class treatment and better recovery.


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