What Are the Causes of Summer Cold – Know Here

Causes Of Summer Cold

The sun is back in its full form, and you are ready to hop on your favorite ice cream, but suddenly you see your nose is running, and your throat is scratchy.

It feels like you have caught cold but how could it be in summer? Well, surprisingly in the opinion of the best ENT doctor in Patna you can catch a cold in summer, and in medical terms, it is known as a summer cold. This usually happens between June and October.

The symptoms are very common to the normal cold and even COVID-19, confusing people about whether they have a summer cold or COVID.

As the best super speciality hospital in Patna, we always try to keep people aware about diseases so that they can prevent them in the future, in this blog we are going to do the same for you, by telling you about the different causes of summer cold disease.


4 Causes and Symptoms of Summer Cold

As we have discussed summer colds have the same symptoms as winter colds. But does this mean they also have the same causes? Let’s find out:

#1. Viral Infections

Summer cold symptoms are the same as the winter ones because viruses cause both of them. However, health experts suggest that both diseases are not linked to the same virus type.

Winter cold is caused by rhinoviruses, one of the most common viral infections.

On the other hand, summer cold is caused by enteroviruses that affect tissues in your nose, throat, and eyes. Additionally, sometimes it also affects some other parts like the digestive system.

This virus can result in a 101 to 104 °F body temperature and fever.


#2. Air Conditioning

As the weather changes, there’s a sudden shift in air conditioning. This sudden shift doesn’t give your body time to adapt, which leads to discomfort.

Additionally, if you are a fan of setting under Air Conditioner devices then be aware because the dry air that comes from these devices can affect your nasal passage.

Not only that they also weaken your immune system, which invites common colds.

Additionally, when you run your air conditioner too cold it evaporates the moisture found in the lining of the nose, which is another reason for getting affected by viruses.

This is one of the most common causes of witnessing summer cold symptoms in adults.


#3. Changes in Weather

You may have experienced your health deteriorating during the weather shift. In summer, the weather can be pretty unpredictable, leading to sudden temperature changes.

According to an ENT Specialist in Patna, these changes put pressure on the body which affects our health. It may negatively affect the immune system which will make the body more prone to catching colds.

Additionally, during the summer humidity levels also decrease that affects the respiratory system. This is why coughing and scratchy throat are some of the common summer cold symptoms.

This happens because low humidity dries out the mucus membranes in the nose and throat.


#4. Travelling

Whether you are a beach guy or a mountain lover the best time to travel both these places is in summer. This time of the year is best for enjoying the holidays.

However, visiting new places exposes you to new environments that sometimes don’t suit your body and make you sick.

A new environment will also have new germs that your immune system will be unaware of. This will make it hard for the body to fight back those germs, increasing the risk of catching a cold.

Traveling will also make you meet different people who may be carrying viruses and that may your health too.

Apart from these 5 causes of a summer cold, some people also believe that allergies are also one the culprits behind it.

However, according to ENT doctors of the best multispeciality hospital in Patna allergies are common colds and different diseases.

To know whether you have a summer cold or allergies, you should check your fever as allergies don’t raise the body’s temperature.

On the other hand, summer cold will elevate your temperature and even sometimes lead to severe fevers, which can be treated with the help of some tips.


Treatment for Summer Cold Triggers

How long does a summer cold last? Well, it will depend on how fast you start the curing process.

We as the best government hospital in Patna, always suggest our clients rely on summer cold home remedies, before consulting ENT experts. Here are some remedies that can be helpful for you:

  1. Rest – Before searching for the “best ent doctor near me” you must give your body the needed rest. Getting plenty of sleep is one of the best ways to recover from a mild summer cold.
  2. Keep Your Self Hydrated – Drinking adequate water daily is extremely important for the body. Even the best ENT doctors of the top 10 hospitals in Patna, will suggest you focus on your water intake more than anything else.
  3. Eat Healthy – To recover from the sickness your body needs nutrition, which it gets from healthy foods. Don’t rely on comfort foods, like packed chips and cookies. Instead of that eat green veggies and foods, which are the best medicine for summer colds.
  4. Avoid Alcohol – If you visit one of the best top 10 private hospitals in Patna with your summer cold, they will ask you about your drinking habits. Alcohol affects the immune system and that’s why it is important to stay away from it, especially if you are suffering from a summer cold.

Use these tips to get rid of your summer cold, however, if by chance these tips and prevention fail to provide you relief, you may need professional attention.

You can trust Big Apollo Spectra with that as our name comes under the top of Patna Private Hospital list.


Unveiling the Factors Behind Summer Cold Outbreaks

Summer cold is one of the common health issues that affects people. There can be many causes of summer cold and in this blog, we have provided you with the 5 common ones.

This health issue doesn’t pose that much of a threat to overall health, which makes it easily curable. In this blog, we also discussed some of the natural tips to deal with this issue.

However, if your condition is severe, you must contact Big Apollo Spectra. We as a health Centre have managed to get our name on the top of the best Patna hospital list. So, wait no more and contact Big Apollo Spectra ASAP.


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