Common Causes of Side Stomach Pain – A Comprehensive Guide

Causes of Side Stomach Pain

Stomach pain, a commonly experienced condition, may cause discomfort in various ways, including side stomach pain. In this instance, localized abdominal discomfort could be caused by any number of underlying factors.

So in order to diagnose and treat side stomach pain effectively, it is crucial to understand the factors contributing to this condition.

Thus this discomfort can have a variety of causes, ranging from gastrointestinal issues to musculoskeletal discomfort.

Introducing the complex web of factors that may contribute to stomach side pain, this article explores some common causes of this common condition.


Causes Of Stomach Side Pain

Known colloquially as a side bellyache, flank pain may be caused by a variety of factors.

Whenever you are experiencing continuous Dull Pain in Lower Right Abdomen That Comes And Goes or excruciating discomfort, it is imperative that you seek medical assistance without delay!

Do not try to diagnose yourself! Such abdominal pain could be caused by a variety of factors, including:

Muscle strain: You know, if you overdo it or make an unexpected movement, you can actually end up straining your abdominal muscles – and that could lead to some discomfort.


Gas and bloating: If you’re feeling too much gas or bloating, it might give you a bit of abdominal pain or discomfort.


Tummy troubles: If you’re dealing with things like indigestion, gastritis, or gastroenteritis, these could cause your stomach to hurt.


Kidney stones: When these pesky little things decide to show up in your urinary tract, they can cause a real sharp pain on the side or back.


Urinary tract infection, or UTI: If there’s an infection in your urinary tract, especially targeting the kidneys, it could potentially lead to a bit of pain in the flank area.


Kidney infection: When your kidneys get infected, it could cause a bit of pain on the side of your tummy.


Appendicitis: Usually, appendicitis can lead to aching in the lower Right Side Stomach Pain. But don’t be surprised if it also results in some unease at your side every now and then.

Conditions associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), such as Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis, might be responsible for side abdominal pain.

You can also read about >>> Tips to Improve Gut Health


Hernia: This is when an organ go through a delicate spot in your belly muscles, triggering some discomfort.


Issues with the lungs: Sometimes, ailments that impact the lower sections of your lungs like pneumonia or pleurisy might cause a bit of discomfort in your side tummy region.

What Causes Lower Left Abdominal Pain in Females? Women can also feel a bit of the Pain In Lower Left Side of Abdomen Female sometimes.

Thus this could be due to something going on with your ovaries, fallopian tubes, or uterus – all part of gynaecological health!

However persistent or severe Types Of Stomach Pain – Female can be a real troublemaker. Now, what’s important here is to have a chat with your Liver Specialist in Patna. They will give you the correct diagnosis!

Further they might get hands-on with a physical exam, or some image tests, maybe even run additional diagnostic procedures—all in an effort to pinpoint the root cause.


Test Available to Detect Side Stomach Pain

As a result right tests detect on specific symptoms, a person’s medical background, and also the physical examination. A few common examinations that are often use include:

#1. Checking Your Blood:

Full Blood Work-Up (CBC): Helps in finding out any indicators of infection or inflammation.


#2. Imaging Studies:

  • Ultrasound: This lets us see organs in the belly region like the liver, gallbladder, and kidneys.
  • The CT scan, or Computed Tomography, gives us really clear and detailed pictures of your belly area.
  • MRI, or Magnetic Resonance Imaging: It’s a pretty handy tool for checking out soft tissues and organs hanging out in your abdomen.
  • X-ray: This can be handy for spotting problems like intestinal blockages or perforations.


#3. Endoscopy:

Upper endoscopy, also known as esophagogastroduodenoscopy or EGD. This is essentially a medical procedure that checks out your esophagus, stomach and duodenum.


#4. Colonoscopy:

A closer look at your colon and the lower section of your digestive system.


#5. Checking Out Stool and Urine Tests:

  • Stool culture: This is used to see if there are any infections or unusual stuff going on.
  • Urinalysis: It’s done to cross off any problems link to the urinary tract.
  • Breath, blood, or stool tests: These are use to uncover if H. pylori bacteria, the reason for stomach ulcers, in your body.


#6. Checking for Pregnancy:

For women who are of an age where childbearing is possible, a pregnancy test is possible to exclude the chance that right or Pain On Left Side of Stomach might be due to pregnancy.

Further you should speak with a healthcare expert to get the right diagnosis and advice on the suitable tests based on your particular condition.

Thus if you’re feeling intense or long-lasting abdominal discomfort, it’s important not to delay – seek out medical help as soon as possible.


Navigating Discomfort: Understanding Causes of Side Stomach Pain

Pinpointing what’s causing side stomach pain is key to figuring out the best way to handle Right Side Stomach Pain Relief.

That’s why you find a Super Speciality Hospital in Patna Big Apollo Spectra Hospital in Patna, with all the latest gear and pro health care providers ready to diagnose your issue.

In fact whether trouble comes from kidney problems, complications in your gut or something else entirely—our hospital has pledged itself wholly to giving you personalized all-around treatment that considers every aspect of you as an individual.

With this commitment on maintaining our patient’s well-being with advanced medical practices always developing up-to-the-minute, we uphold quality standards resolutely at Big Apollo Spectra Best Hospital In Patna City for treatments around patient’s needs.

Thus believe in our know-how when it comes to easing your side stomach distress, and let us guide you on a transformative life that’s brimming with health and free of pain.

As a result our mission is all about ensuring your vitality, and over at the grand Big Apollo Spectra Hospital, we’re determine to serve as more than just healthcare providers – think of us as partners accompanying you through every stage of this wellness journey.


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