6 Signs You Need Joint Replacement Surgery – Early Warning

Signs You Need Joint Replacement Surgery

With each passing day, more and more people are getting addicted to living sedentary lives. This is one of the main reasons behind rising cases of joint issues.

Pain or stiffness in joints looks pretty normal at first. But they get worse if not treated at the right time.

There are many ways to deal with joint issues and replacement surgeries are one of them. As the best orthopedic hospital in Patna, we deal with numerous joint replacement every year.

According to our experience, replacement surgery is one of the best ways to fix severe problems. But, how do you know if you need a joint replacement?

Because its also a reality that not every joint issue demands replacement surgery.

If you are too confused like many other people then read this blog carefully. In this article, we will teach you to identify some signs you need joint replacement surgery.


Signs You Need Joint Replacement Surgery

If you have joint issues then you must have thought, how does a doctor decide if you need a knee replacement?

Well, we are going to give some tips that will even help you identify whether you need replacement surgery or not.


#1. Severe Arthritis

If you ask the best orthopedic doctor in Patna, When is it time for a joint replacement? Then most probably you get the “last stage of arthritis” as an answer.

Arthritis is one of the most common reasons why doctor suggest their patients go through replacement surgery.

Mainly those who are suffering from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis post-injury arthritis are advised to opt for joint replacement surgery.

This is because all these can become worse with time and will result in unbearable pain. Those diseases will take a toll on your whole life and may make your life difficult to live.

So if you were wondering what conditions require joint replacement then arthritis will be your answer.


#2. Pain Makes Life Difficult

According to the best orthopedic doctor in Patna, one should opt for surgery when the pain starts interfering with their life.

Postponing the morning walk because of the yesterday night workout is normal. But when your joint issues are not letting you do simple tasks like tying shoes without pain then it’s time you opt for replacement surgery.

Many people even found difficulty in sitting and standing up but still, they chose to ignore the issue. Don’t be those people otherwise, you have to suffer far greater pain than you are currently suffering.

Search for a “good orthopedic doctor near me” and talk to them about your concern.


#3. Reduced Mobility

What is the average age for joint replacement? Generally, people who are in their 60s or 80s tend to go for joint replacement surgery. But, as such there is no average age for this surgery.

When you feel that your joint has become super stiff and not allowing you to move freely then you may need to opt for the surgery.

This is because it can be a sign of a complicated joint issue that can become worse if not treated on time.

If you are scared and wondering how painful is joint replacement? Then relax because the procedure is done under the influence of anaesthesia.


#4. Swollen joint

Do I need a joint surgery quiz? Well, if you are finding it difficult to decide whether you need to go through surgery then you can go for the quiz.

The most common question of that quiz will be” Did you find your knee joint swollen all the time?”.

This is because the continuous swelling in the knee joint means that you are suffering from something severe, that can only be treated with surgery.

Swelling in the joints will just be a starter as it will bring pain and mobility issues with it too. So, if you were wondering, what are the first signs of needing a knee replacement then swelling will be your answer.


#5. Joint Pain is Getting More Intense

We have discussed in the previous section what a knee looks like that needs to be replaced.

Now if you are also trying to figure out whether can an X-ray show if you need a knee replacement then the answer will be yes. X-rays are one of the best ways to know whether you need a replacement in your knee or any other joint.

However, monitoring your pain levels can also help you decide whether you should opt the surgery or not.

Health experts advise that when patients feel that their pain in the joints is getting worse with each passing day, then they should talk to their orthopedic doctor.

This is because increasing pain levels can be signs of serious health hazards like arthritis, which demands joint replacement surgery.

Additionally, increasing pain levels will also create numerous difficulties in your life, like improper sleep and bad mood.

But, does your whole leg hurt when you need a knee replacement?

Well, generally not. So, where is the pain if you need a knee replacement or any just replacement surgery? According to bone doctors, the pain will generally occur around the joints.


#6. Non-surgical Treatment Options are Not Working

If you search for a “bone doctor near me” to get and replacement surgery then most probably your doctor will recommend this procedure as the last option.

This is because not every time a joint pain needs to go through replacement surgery. Sometimes they go away on their own or with some extra effort.

Physical therapy, heat, and cold therapy, cortisone injections, or sometimes losing weight can also provide relief from the pain.

When these non-surgical methods fail to release the pain then health experts advice their patients to opt for replacement surgery.

So these were some common signs you need joint replacement surgery.

However, before opting for the procedure remember that there are some disadvantages of knee or any joint replacement surgery too.

This is why always look for the “best bone specialist near me” on the internet for your surgery.


Joint Pain Relief: Recognizing When Surgery Is Necessary

Replacement surgery is indeed one of the best ways to deal with joint issues. But, one should also understand that not every joint problem needs replacement surgery.

If you wish to know the signs you need joint replacement surgery, then must read the blog carefully. If you have already done that and thinking of going through the procedure, then hold your horses.

Replacement surgery also comes with some complications and that’s why it’s important for you to choose a good orthopedic hospital for your surgery.

If by chance you are looking for the “Best bone hospital near me” then you can come to Big Apollo Spectra.

Here you will get the chance to meet some of the best bone doctors in Patna, who provide you with personalized treatment.

Additionally we also aim to provide our patients with a relaxed and comforting environment. So, wait no more and contact Big Apollo Spectra if you wish to have safe and successful knee surgery.