Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s in 40s – What to Look For?

Signs Of Alzheimer's in 40s

Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia that is becoming common day by day.

According to data, there are over 10 million new cases of dementia each year worldwide. It affects the patient’s memory, thinking, and behavior, creating daily difficulties.

At Big Apollo Spectra we deal with numerous Alzheimer’s patients with dementia every year.

Most of the Alzheimer’s patients who come to our hospital are generally over the age of 65. But, few of them are also in their 40s.

In the opinion of a top brain specialist doctor in Patna about 5% of Alzheimer’s patients have early onset AD also known as the younger onset.

So, those who were wondering, can Alzheimer’s start in your 40’s? Should know that yes it can be a possibility. Another interesting fact about Alzheimer’s is that they are incurable.

However, one can slow its progression through treatments. This is why detecting Alzheimer’s in its early stage is crucial. To do that one needs to be aware of the signs of Alzheimer’s in their 40s.


Signs of Alzheimer’s in 40s

What triggers early-onset Alzheimer’s?  According to a head specialist doctor in Patna when three different genes mutate then it leads to issues like Alzheimer’s at a young age.

You or your loved ones may develop early onset of AD if you are experiencing issues like:

#1. Memory Loss

Do you know what is the first stage of dementia or Alzheimer’s? Memory loss is the first and most common sign of this brain disease.

Brain specialist doctors claim that patients with Alzheimer’s problems tend to forget things more often than usual.

They may even forget important dates and events like their birthdays. Memory loss may also make your loved ones ask the same question again and again.

It is also one of the common Early signs of Alzheimer’s in the 50s and 40s. This is why health experts suggest relying on memory aids for doing tasks that they handle on their own.


#2. Difficulty Completing Familiar Tasks

Medical science has not been able to find an early-onset Alzheimer’s life expectancy. However, according to several studies, 8-12 years is considered the average life expectancy of people with late-onset Alzheimer’s.

This means that the life expectancy of early-onset Alzheimer’s will be around this number. So, those patients who wish to live more than 8 to 12 years should detect their disease in its early stage by knowing its signs.

Difficulty completing familiar tasks is one of the signs from the 4 warning signs of dementia.

Some may also experience problems in focusing on one task.  Not only that people with Alzheimer’s also struggle to follow commonly travelled routes.


#3. Confusion with Time or Place

If you search what are the 5 warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease then you come to know that losing track of time is one of them.

People suffering from this disease tend to misunderstand the passage of time as it occurs. You or your loved one will have trouble understanding something if it’s not happening immediately.

This is why the patients get pretty frustrated when planning for future events. In some cases, people suddenly forget where they are or how they got there.

That’s why leaving an Alzheimer’s patient alone outdoors is not considered advisable.


#4. Misplacing Items Often

Misplacing things is another common early-onset Alzheimer’s symptom. In the opinion of the best neurologist in Patna for Alzheimer’s Patients generally put things in unusual places.

This creates difficulty in retracing the steps to find any lost items. Not only that the patients may also blame others for stealing the items.

These problems keep happening more often as the disease progresses. So, it’s advisable to keep the patients away from important items like ATM cards or car keys.

Additionally, you can also decide a particular place to keep the important object so that the chances of misplacing those items are less.


#5. Changes in Personality and Mood

According to a neurologist in Patna personality and mood changes are one the common early signs of dementia in women. They may get confused, suspicious, depressed, fearful, or anxious at times.

So, if you see your loved ones easily getting upset at home or with friends then understand their condition and give them love. Their personality changes especially when they are out of their comfort zone.

These mood swings will not be the normal ones that everyone experiences. They will have extreme swings in mood which will affect the patient’s personality.

To handle them you must take your loved ones to a brain specialist.


#6. Difficulty in Making Decisions

Many Alzheimer’s experience financial loss because of their poor decision-making ability.

It is also an early sign of Alzheimer’s in the 60s, 50s, and 40s. Some patients have donated large amounts of money to things like telemarketers. This is the result of their poor judgement which also affects their hygiene.

Alzheimer’s patients pay very little attention to their hygiene and keeping themselves clean.

This is why you may see your loved ones taking less bath as the disease progresses. Additionally, they will also have a lack of willingness to change clothing daily.


#7. Withdrawing from Work

As the Alzheimer’s symptoms progress, the patients tend to withdraw from work or social events. This is because they find difficulty in following and holding a conversation.

It makes them feel embarrassed or out of place and that’s why they withdraw from work and social events.

They also tend to withdraw from their hobbies, social activities, or other engagements. However, avoiding people, places, or events are not advisable because they may make the situation much worse than before.

So, these were the signs of Alzheimer’s in the 40s. If you have detected any of these signs in you or your loved ones then hurry and get in touch with the best advanced neuro hospital in Patna.


How to Identify Early Signs of Alzheimer’s in Your 40s?

Alzheimer’s is a noncurable disease but one can prevent its progression with the help of treatment.

Getting this treatment in the early stages is considered good for managing this dementia.

This is why patients should be aware of the signs of Alzheimer’s in their 40s, 50s, or 60s. Additionally, those who wish to know how to avoid Alzheimer’s?

Or Who is most at risk for Alzheimer’s? Should visit Big Apollo Spectra. We as the best brain hospital in Patna have helped many Alzheimer’s patients bettering their lives.

Additionally, our treatments are also very affordable so that every individual can benefits from them.

So, stop wasting your time searching “head specialist doctor near me” and book your appointment at Big Apollo Spectra.