How To Prevent Appendicitis – What You Need to Know

How To Prevent Appendicitis

The appendix is a small finger-shaped tubular structure part of our gastrointestinal tract.

It is a vestigial organ and a blockage or obstruction in this can lead to a medical condition, appendicitis.  This health issue needs immediate professional attention as it is generally fixed with surgery.

According to the top urologist in Patna, this medical condition is one of the most common reasons behind abdominal Pain in people.

This disease is found in 0.34% of school-going children in India. Not only that, adults are also not safe from this disease as 0.25% of adults in India suffer from this medical condition.

As the top Urology hospital in Patna, we deal with numerous cases of appendix pain every year. In our experience, this health condition takes a toll on the patient’s life by affecting their daily lifestyle.

This is why it’s very crucial to know how to prevent appendicitis.


How to Prevent Appendicitis?

Can we prevent appendicitis?

Well according to the best urologist doctor in Patna, there are no possible ways to prevent appendicitis. But, some lifestyle choices and habits can be proven helpful.

#1. Eat a High-Fiber Diet

What should I eat to avoid appendicitis? Most people struggle with this question.

Well, according to Patna’s top urologist doctor, a high-fiber diet can do wonders for appendicitis patients. This is because fiber promotes a regular bowel movement and also prevents constipation.

Eating high-fiber foods like vegetables, grains, and fruits improves digestion which keeps the intestine clear. This reduces the chance of blockage and inflammation which is the main reason to get an appendix.

Most people generally add fruits to their diet as it also satisfies their sweet tooth.

So, which fruit is best for appendicitis? Well, vitamin C-rich fruits like oranges, lemons, and guavas are good for preventing appendicitis.


#2. Stay Hydrated

Can I drink milk during appendicitis? Well in the opinion of the best urologist in Patna yes one can drink milk except those who have developed lactose intolerance.

If you are looking for the best drink to prevent appendicitis, then it will be a glass of water.

This is because water plays a very important role in our digestion. A dehydrated body is not able to digest its foods properly which increases the risk of blockage in the appendix.

Additionally, drinking an adequate amount of water supports overall health which reduces the chances of infection and other issues.

So, drink at least seven to eight glasses of water daily to reduce the risk of getting appendicitis.


#3. Exercise Regularly

Internet is filled with queries like, what food can cause appendicitis and what to avoid for appendicitis.

But, not many know that apart from foods there are some other factors too that increase the chance of having appendicitis. Avoiding physical exercise is one of the reasons that can give rise to issues like appendicitis.

Physical exercise supports digestive health that helps in preventing this issue. Additionally, it also stimulates the muscles in your intestines, which leads to regular bowel movements.

So, try your best to do regular exercise if you don’t wish to go through the different stages of appendicitis.


#4. Avoid processed Foods

We know what causes appendicitis. The blockage inside the appendix leads to this issue which can be the result of poor digestion.

This is why health experts suggest their patients to avoid foods that can affect the digestive process. In many appendicitis tests it has been found that processed foods are the culprit behind the issue.

They are low in fiber and have high amounts of unhealthy fats which leads to numerous digestive issues like constipation.

A poor digestive health can increase the risk of blockage in the appendix and give rise to appendicitis.

So, try to eat foods that reduce the likelihood of blockages, inflammation, and risk of developing appendicitis.

We believe after coming this far in the blog you know how to prevent appendicitis.

But, what if you or any of your family members get affected by this medical problem? Then you have to be aware of its symptoms to take quick action.


Early Symptoms of Appendicitis

Most people know about the appendix location but don’t know how to check for appendicitis at home. Well there are numerous ways to do that and being aware of its early symptoms is the most effective one.


#1. Pain

The most common appendix symptom in females is the pain in the lower right belly. Sometimes it also moves near the navel. It is the earliest sign of having appendicitis and that’s why people should be aware of it.


#2. Loss of Appetite

According to health experts when appendicitis becomes inflamed it leads to a lack of desire to eat. This generally occurs alongside other common symptoms like abdominal pain or fever.


#3. Nausea and vomiting

After the belly pain and loss of appetite the nausea and vomiting will also kick in.

These symptoms are the result of an inflamed or infected appendix. Seek medical attention quickly if you are experiencing these symptoms.

This is because appendicitis can lead to serious complications if not treated on time.


#4. Painful or Difficult Peeing

It is a rare symptom but has a huge effect on one’s day-to-day life.

When the appendix becomes inflamed it irritates the nearby organs too like the bladder. This affects its functioning and leads to discomfort or pain during urination.


#5. Severe Cramps 

It is also one of the common symptoms of appendicitis in females.

The pain will start near the belly button which will move to the lower right side of the abdomen. Eventually, it will become so severe that it may feel like cramps.

So, these are some of the symptoms of appendicitis that everyone should be aware of if they wish to get rid of this issue quickly.


Preventing Appendicitis: Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations

Appendicitis is one such medical condition that needs immediate professional attention. It can give rise to severe belly pain which will affect one day’s day-to-day lifestyle.

This is why in this blog we have provided you with some tips on how to prevent appendicitis. Additionally, we have also discussed the early symptoms of this disease so that you can detect it in its initial stages.

If by chance you are searching for the “best urologist near me” to get an effective treatment for appendicitis, then you must come to Big Apollo Spectra. Here you will get the chance to meet the top urologists in Patna under one roof.

Not only that, we also aim to provide our patients with personalized treatment which leads to better results.

So, wait no more and book an online appointment at our hospital to get rid of appendicitis in no time.