What Causes Back Pain with Fever – Understanding The Link

What Causes Back Pain with Fever

With each passing day, we are seeing a rise in cases of back pain. Not only elders but younger people who are in their 20s or 30s are getting affected by it too.

Most take back pains very lightly because generally, it is a result of muscle strain or injury. This is the reason why those who suffer from it rely on home remedies. 

But sometimes the back pain is accompanied by fever which hinders one’s lifestyle.

As the best orthopedic hospital in Patna, we deal with numerous back pain patients every year. If you ask our health experts, when should back pain be worrying?

Then they will say, why they are accompanied by fever. To understand back pain with fever treatment one first has to be aware of the reason behind the issue. So, in this blog, we will tell you what causes back pain with fever.


What Causes Back Pain With Fever?

When you think of the reason behind the common causes of back pain then issues like muscle spasms, strain, or injury come to your mind.

However according to the best orthopedic doctor in Patna when back pain comes along with fever then it may be the result of infections or other specific conditions:


#1. Disc space infections

As the name suggests, in disc space infection inflammation develops between the intervertebral discs of the spine. This leads to swelling which puts extra pressure on the discs, which eventually results in back pain.

In this particular condition, many people feel lower back pain, headache, fever, and chills. Sometimes it also results in middle back pain and fever. Health experts denote this disease by the name of discitis or diskitis.

So, If you are wondering, what are the three common causes of back pain with fever then Discitis will be one of them. According to some research and studies, children are affected by this infection more often than adults.


#2. Kidney Infection

How do I know if my back pain is muscle or organ? If you are also struggling with this question, remember that soreness and tightness in the affected area are signs of muscular back pain.

But, if your pain is persistent on only one side and you have a fever, it can result from a kidney infection.

We believe you got the answer to your question “How can you tell if back pain is muscular or something else?”. Now if you are suffering from a kidney infection then worry not it can be fixed with the help of antibiotics.


#3. Spinal Cord Abscess

Previously we discussed kidney infection and tried to find the answer to the question “How can I tell if my back pain is kidney-related?”.

Apart from a kidney infection, other issues also cause back pain with fever. Spinal Cord Abscess is another infection that gives rise to these two issues.

If you wonder how to know if back pain is serious or not then you must look for fever with back pain and leg pain.

This is because in spinal cord abscess which is a serious condition, the pain travels from the back to the legs. Upper back pain with fever is the most common symptom of this disease.


#4. Meningitis

What can back pain be an indicator of?

Well, there are a plethora of things that can lead to back pain and Meningitis is one of them. It is an inflammation of the fluid and three membranes that surrounds your spinal cord.

This is why it leads to back pain around the spinal area which is accompanied by fever.

According to health experts, viral and bacterial infections are some of the common causes of it. Apart from these, they can also be the result of cancer.

So if you were wondering, what is a red flag for back pain? Then the symptoms of Meningitis will be your answer. Fever with back pain and headache are some of the most common signs of having Meningitis.


#5. Vertebral Osteomyelitis

Can slip discs cause fever with back pain?

Yes, a slipped disc can lead to fever along with back pain by giving rise to an infection, Vertebral Osteomyelitis. It is a painful bone infection that develops in the spine after the injury.

However, not every time it starts in the spine as it can occur in different regions too. But, no matter where it starts it will reach the spine through the bloodstream.

When you have Vertebral Osteomyelitis you may experience symptoms such as fever with back pain and leg pain. Because of the leg pain, some people also find difficulty in walking.


#6. Spinal Epidural Abscess

Why do I get back pain when I have a fever? Well, this can be a sign of a weak immune system as many infections can lead to these issues. Spinal Epidural Abscess is one such bacterial infection that affects many people.

This infection occurs when the Accumulated pus in the epidural space puts extra pressure on the spinal cord. It is a very serious condition that can even lead to death by damaging the nervous system.

This is why it’s very crucial to be aware of its symptoms as it helps in getting treatment in the early stages.

Lower back pain, fever, chills, spine tenderness, vomiting, weakness, and trouble moving or walking are some of the symptoms of Spinal Epidural Abscess.


#7. Rhabdomyolysis

If you search for a “bone doctor near me” and ask him about the reason behind the back pain with fever then you will come across a health condition called Rhabdomyolysis.

It occurs when the damaged muscle tissue releases muscle fiber contents into the bloodstream. Through the bloodstream, the toxic components of your muscle fibers enter your circulation system and kidneys.

This can affect the kidney which leads to back pain. Not only that, but it can also damage kidneys and may lead to death.

Fever nausea and vomiting are some of the most common causes of Rhabdomyolysis.

So if you are wondering, Why you experience sudden fever and body pain along with nausea and vomiting then this is your answer.

So this is what causes back pain with fever. If you wish to know how to relieve lower back pain, with fever then you should search for a “good orthopedic doctor near me” and talk to him about your concern.


Diagnostic Approaches to Back Pain with Fever

While figuring out what causes back pain with the fever we get to know that various infections and some special conditions are the main culprit behind this issue. In this blog, we have mentioned seven of those health conditions.

If you wish to know more about why you get lower back pain during fever then you should search for a “bone specialist near me” and get in touch with him as soon as possible.

You can also visit Big Apollo Spectra as here you will get the chance to meet some of the best bone doctors in Patna under one roof.

Additionally, the experts at our hospital will provide you with personalized training for better and faster results. So, don’t waste time searching “bone hospital near me” and get in touch with Big Apollo Spectra.