Treatment Of Coronary Artery Disease – Symptoms & Causes

Treatment Of Coronary Artery Disease

According to data from 2016 coronary artery disease contributes 28.1% of total deaths that particular year. This clearly shows that it is a common disease affecting people’s lives. Not only in India but in America one in 20 adults is suffering from this disease.

This is why health experts worldwide suggest everyone be aware of coronary artery disease prevention. This disease occurs when plaque builds up inside the arteries and blocks the pathway of blood to the heart muscle.

In earlier stages of coronary artery disease people don’t even bother to visit a cardiologist in Patna, which is not a smart move.

It may take decades to block the blood flow, but it can suddenly lead to heart attack and failure.

As the top heart hospital in Patna, we deal with numerous cases of CAD every year, so we are aware of the effective way to deal with this issue. In this blog, we will provide some helpful treatments for coronary artery disease.


Treatment of Coronary Artery Disease

Now we know how common and deadly is Coronary Artery Disease (CAD).

This is why it’s very crucial to be aware of the coronary artery disease medical procedure as you never know when you or any of your family members have to suffer from it.

So, what is the best treatment for coronary artery disease:


#1. Medication

If you want to know what is the first-line treatment for coronary artery disease, then medicine will be your answer.

Almost every heart specialist in Patna firstly relies on medicines to deal with the issues. So, here are some coronary artery disease medications:

  • Beta Blockers – It is a type of medication that can slow the heart rate and lower the blood pressure.

It works by blocking the effects of a particular hormone like adrenaline in the body that supports the lowering of the heart rate. The body releases adrenaline during the stress which leads to a faster heartbeat.


  • Aspirin – Blood clots are one of the common reasons for heart attack in people with coronary artery disease. This is why the best cardiologist in Patna uses blood-thinning medicines like aspirin.

However, remember this type of medicine also comes with side effects like stomach pain, heartburn, or nausea. That’s why it’s important to take this medicine under the surveillance of cardiology experts.


  • Nitrates – When patients experience coronary artery disease symptoms then some heart experts tend to rely on Nitrates.

They help reduce the symptoms because they widen the blood vessels. This helps the blood to rich to the heart muscle easily and prevents heart attacks. They come in various forms including tablets, sprays, and skin patches.

Apart from these medicines some health experts also rely on catheter-based treatment to deal with CAD.


#2. Catheter Based Treatment

If you search for “what is the best treatment for heart blockage” then you will come across catheter-based treatments.

They are minimally invasive treatments that also provide quick recovery. Here are some common catheter-based treatments for CAD:

  • Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) – If you are looking for non-surgical procedures that can help you deal with this issue then PCI is for you.

It restores the blood flow to the heart muscles and treats coronary artery disease.

In this procedure, the heart experts place a small balloon at the site of the blockage by using a catheter. The balloon is inflated to widen the artery which improves the blood flow.


  • Atherectomy – If you try to figure out what is a treatment plan for coronary artery disease then you may come across many methods.

Atherectomy is also one such procedure that health experts love to include in the treatment plan. In this procedure, the health experts use a rotating blade or laser to remove the accumulated plaque into the artery.

Health experts use this procedure when the plaque is very difficult to manage with balloon angioplasty alone.


  • Thrombectomy – When the patients meet an emergency like a heart attack then relying on thrombectomy is very helpful.

It is another catheter-based treatment that removes the blood clot from a coronary artery. This procedure includes a specialized catheter that restores the blood flow and minimizes heart muscle damage.

After being aware of the variety of medicines and catheter-based treatments you must be wondering, what is one therapy for coronary heart disease

Well according to health experts surgery is the best and most effective treatment of coronary artery disease.


Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery in Patna

Coronary artery disease surgery is the best way to deal with this issue. It works by creating new paths for blood to flow easily to the heart muscles.

In this procedure, the health experts take healthy blood vessels from the chest or leg area and then connect them below the blocked heart artery.

This method creates a new pathway that plays a huge role in improving the blood flow to the heart muscles. This procedure will be carried out under general anesthesia, which makes it convenient for patients.

However, this procedure takes a toll on the patient’s physical health and that’s why one needs to stay in the hospital for a few weeks to get fully recovered.

Being aware of coronary artery disease self-care routine is also very crucial to having a successful recovery from the surgery.

Remember that like every other major procedure, this surgery also carries the risk of complications like irregular heartbeat or an infection. They are minor complications and can be treated but this procedure also comes with some serious ones like stroke or heart attack.

So these are some effective treatments of coronary artery disease. Remember that without some major lifestyle changes the treatments alone will not help you.

So, try to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly if you wish to get rid of coronary artery disease.


What Is The Best Treatment For Coronary Artery Disease?

Coronary artery disease is a common health hazard that affects numerous people around the globe.

It takes years to show its real face but it can eventually lead to deadly health conditions like a heart attack or heart failure.

This is why in this blog we have provided you with treatment for coronary artery disease.

Remember that some of these treatments also come with complications and that’s why you should look for the “best cardiologist near me” for your treatment.

Big Apollo Spectra is one such place where you will get the top cardiologist of Patna under one roof. Here you will also get to know what is the new treatment for coronary artery disease and which one is going to be suitable for you.

Our health center is best for those who are searching, a “heart clinic near me” in Patna, Agamkuan. So, wait no more and book an appointment through the online booking service.