Important Precautions for Heat Stroke – Suggested by Experts

Precautions For Heat Stroke

In India, summers are always sweltering and humid. According to the weather news and articles, our country will face more heat waves this year. As the temperature rises, the risk of getting heat stroke will also increase.

Heat stroke is a health condition that occurs when your body is not able to control the heat and leads to numerous complications. However, in India, there is not much awareness about this condition and that’s why most people take it lightly.

If you are also one of them then let us tell you that we as the top super speciality hospital in Patna deal with several heat stroke patients every year.

According to our experience, it is a medical emergency that can even be fatal sometimes. This is why every summer we suggest to every patient our ours take safety measures to protect themselves from heat, especially in the peak summer months.

But, How to prevent heat stroke? If you are struggling with this question then read this blog carefully. In it, we are going to discuss the useful precautions for heat stroke. So without any further ado let’s start the blog.


Precautions for Heat Stroke by Experts

Most people love summer because of the long days and sunny weather.

However, during the peak summer months staying outdoors can become a struggle. A sweltering summer can do more than just wetting your clothes.

Those people who have heat safety awareness know that high temperatures can lead to heat stroke, which is a dangerous health condition.

But not everyone can avoid getting outdoors and that’s why they should take some safety precautions. So, what are the safety precautions for heat?


#1. Keep Yourself Hydrated

If you search for what are 3 ways to treat heat stroke? then drinking an adequate amount of fluid will always be on the top. Your body’s temperature rises and it cools down through sweating.

This leads to water loss and results in dehydration which is one of the causes of heat stroke. You must have heard that every human should drink at least 8 glasses of water.

Well, it’s true but don’t follow this guide blindly, because everyone’s bodily needs differ. If you are an athlete, you will need much more than 8 glasses of water.

To know your daily water intake, monitor your water consumption and then drink that much daily. If you were wondering “What is the first care for heat stroke?” then this will be your answer.


#2. Wear Light Clothes

Well-layering is indeed an effective way to look more attractive but this fashion style will not work in summer.

If you want to know how to avoid heat stroke and heat exhaustion then try wearing light clothes in summer. Make sure that the clothes you choose are also not very tight fitting and uncomfortable.

Additionally, also avoid wearing dark colors as they absorb heat which will increase your body temperature. Light colors like white and yellow reflect most of the light which keeps you cool and calm.

If possible then also try to wear UV-protecting clothes. They will not only keep you cooler but will also protect you from tanning.


#3. Get Out Side When Sun is Low

Try to do all your outdoor chores when the sun is low. During the daytime heat waves are at their peak which leads to dehydration or even heat stroke.

According to health experts, the hours between noon to 4:00 PM are the most dangerous for heat exposure. However, this can’t be possible for people like athletes and workers. So, those who can’t stay inside during the peak hour can take care of other things.

For example, hydrating their body, wearing light clothes, and protecting their body against sunburn, may even lead to heat stroke and death.


#4. Protect against Sunburn

If you search for “What are 10 safety precautions” then protecting yourself from sunburn is always on the list. This is because your body’s ability to calm down plays a huge role in protecting against health conditions like heat stroke and exhaustion.

But, sunburn somehow affects this cooling ability negatively and supports the rise of heat stroke. We as the best hospital in Patna always advise our patients to wear sunglasses and good sunscreen when getting out.

Remember to have at least SPF 30 when choosing sunscreen; a lower SPF will not be very helpful.


#5. Take Extra Care if You Are Sick

If you are suffering from an infection such as the flu or have heat stroke symptoms then take extra care. This is because, at this particular time, your body is more prone to getting heat stroke because of weakness and dehydration.

According to health experts, even those people who have recently overcome an illness should also be cautious. Avoid spending time out more and stay indoors.

If you are an athlete who has participated in a strenuous sporting event then talk to your doctor before performing. Additionally, also make sure that the event has medical services available in case of issues like heat stroke.


#6. Stay Informed

If you ask a health expert what are 10 actions you can take to prevent heat-related injury? Then most of them will not give you any medical advice but they will tell you to first stay updated and informed about the weather conditions.

Keep an eye on your local news for extreme heat alerts and safety tips. Avoid getting outside in the daytime when there is news of extreme heat waves. Learn different ways to keep your body cool and hydrated.

So these are some of the precautions for heat stroke that you must take.

However, if by chance you and any of your family members get affected by this health condition then contact the best hospital in Patna for heat stroke treatment as it is considered a medical emergency.

Don’t make the mistake of doing a heat stroke treatment at home because this health problem can become fatal if not treated in time.


How To Avoid Heat Stroke in Hot Weather?

In summer heat stroke can affect anyone and it is considered a medical emergency. So to help you avoid this health problem we have given some precautions for heat stroke.

Along with this precaution also try to learn about heat stroke symptoms and what are the first signs of heat exhaustion so that you can take immediate action.

The moment you detect any sign, get immediate help from the top health center of this city. Big Apollo Spectra is one such hospital in Patna that has helped several people with heat stroke.

This Apollo Hospital understands the urgency of their patients with emergency cases like heat stroke and that’s why we provide the 24×7 emergency service.

Regional folks call us the Patna best hospital for emergency cases because of our personalized treatment and super-friendly environment.

So whenever your loved ones need emergency care then don’t forget to contact Big Apollo Spectra.