Lifestyle Changes to Manage COPD – Will They Help?

Lifestyle Changes to Manage COPD

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic inflammatory lung disease. It affects the airflow from the lungs, which creates numerous difficulties.

When it advances, doing everyday tasks keeps becoming harder and harder. This is because it results in breathlessness and coping with it impacts one’s emotional well-being.

A health expert at Big Apollo Spectra, a top pulmonologist doctor in Patna, claims that cough, mucus (sputum) production, and wheezing are other symptoms of this disease.

As the best lung specialist hospital in Patna, we deal with a number (of COPD) patients every year.

According to our experience, there is no cure for COPD till now. But, there are some lifestyle changes to manage COPD symptoms.

So if you were wondering, how to manage life with COPD? Then read this blog carefully. In it, we will tell you what improves the quality of life in COPD, in detail.


Lifestyle Changes to Manage COPD

As we have discussed COPD is a chronic and progressive condition that has no cure till now. But, it doesn’t mean you have to stop living your life.

Here are some precautions or lifestyle modifications that are needed to help control COPD:


#1. Stop Smoking

Every lung doctor in Patna will advise you to quit smoking as it is not good for the lungs.

This unhealthy habit is one of the most common causes of COPD. Those who continue to smoke with COPD will have to face life-threatening consequences.

It will not only exacerbate your symptoms but will also speed up the progression of the disease. If you find yourself addicted to this deadly habit then seek professional support. Many people experience nicotine withdrawal which is concerning.

If that’s the case with you then your doctor may prescribe nicotine replacement therapy. This will help you gradually reduce your addiction to cigarettes.

So, if you were wondering, what activities should you avoid with COPD, then smoking would be the answer.


#2. Stay Active

How can I make my life easier with COPD? Well, there are many easy ways to do that. But according to the best lung specialist doctor in Patna, staying active is the most effective way.

Regular physical activity is essential for managing COPD as it improves lung function. If you struggle with breathlessness then you should start doing exercises and it will also enhance your overall health.

To know what is the best exercise for COPD you can check the best pulmonologist in Patna quora answers. Usually, most health experts advise performing aerobic exercises for at least half an hour.

Some research has also shown that exercise training can improve the quality of life among people with mild to moderate COPD.


#3. Avoid Environmental Triggers

There are many COPD prevention and treatments but not many people know that avoiding environmental triggers is the most important one.

Taking medicines is ok but if you wish to live effortlessly with COPD then you must learn to avoid environmental triggers. Identify and take notes of the thing that triggers your COPD and try to remove them from your surroundings if possible.

If you stay where the air pollution is high then try to move out of that place or you can use air purifiers at home. Additionally, things like strong odor, smoke, and dust can also irritate the lungs and make your condition worse.


#4. Focus on Nutrition

One thing that you will find common while reading living with COPD stories is the COPD diet. Those who have cracked the code to living happily with COPD focus on their food very concisely.

This is why in this particular condition you have to keep your body and immune system strong. Try to have a well-balanced diet that can provide your body with the necessary nutrition that supports overall health including the lungs.

Health experts recommend their COPD patients to have a diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, olive oil, and whole grains.

Additionally, avoiding some foods like red meat, sugar, and processed foods are also primary prevention of COPD.


#5. Manage Stress and Anxiety

If you don’t want to search for “best pulmonologist near me” for professional attention then try to keep your mental health in check.

This is because living with COPD is not a piece of cake and sometimes it can be challenging. It makes the Patients stressed which sometimes is a result of anxiety.

Stress and anxiety can worsen the COPD symptoms which will create difficulty in breathing. If you don’t want this to happen then opt for mental health exercises like relaxation techniques and meditation.

Additionally, living with a COPD support group can help you to cope with the emotional aspects of the disease.


#6. Maintain a Healthy Weight

If you look at the prevention of COPD PPT then you notice that maintaining weight is also advised for the patients. This is because losing weight improves some symptoms of COPD such as shortness of breath.

Carrying excess weight makes breathing harder because the extra weight puts pressure on the lungs and chest. But, it doesn’t mean that you can be underweight in COPD.

According to health experts, COPD health promotion, and disease prevention being underweight can weaken the muscles which may create difficulty in breathing. So, try to maintain your ideal weight if you wish to live happily with COPD.

So these were all the lifestyle changes to manage COPD. While following these tips don’t forget to be prepared for an emergency because you never know when your COPD can get worse.

Search for “pulmonologist doctor near me” and keep the doctor’s phone number handy. Finally, don’t hesitate to ask for help.


How Can I Make My Life Easier With COPD?

COPD is one such health condition that has no cure till now. This is why the patients have to live it for their whole life which is not everyone’s cup of tea. It is difficult but one can makes it easy through some lifestyle changes.

This is why in this blog we have given you 6 effective lifestyle changes to manage COPD. Along with these tips don’t forget to be in touch with a good lung doctor.

If you are looking for a “lung doctor specialist near me” then you must come to Big Apollo Spectra.

Here you will get the chance to meet some top pulmonologists of Patna under one roof.

They will diagnose your issue properly and then give you personalized tips. Not only that,  they will also be ready to help 24/7 in the case of an emergency.

So, what are you waiting for? Hurry and book your online appointment at Big Apollo Spectra.