Is Brain Cancer Curable – Exploring Modern Treatments

Is Brain Cancer Curable

Brain cancer is deadly and can be life-threatening. They are primarily brain tumors that occur in the brain and stay there without spreading to other parts of the body.

However, cancer from different parts of the body can also spread to the brain which is metastasis.

According to the best neurologist in Patna, brain tumors are nothing but a collection of cells in the brain that grow uncontrollably which are dangerous for overall health.

One thing we should note is that all brain cancers are tumors but not all tumors are brain cancers.

At Big Apollo Spectra we deal with both types of tumors but the cancerous one is the more deadly.

Almost every brain cancer patient has one single question in their mind which is, is brain cancer curable? This is why in this blog we will try to figure this out. So, without any further ado let’s start the blog.


Is Brain Cancer Curable?

Gone are those days when cancer was a completely incurable disease. Medical science has reached new heights that have made it possible to cure some types of cancer.

According to health experts brain cancer is curable but it is a challenging task. Many factors influence the success of brain cancer treatment.

The type of brain cancer, its location, the grade of the tumor, and the patient’s overall health are the most common factors that decide what are the chances of surviving brain cancer.

So, if you were wondering, is stage 4 brain cancer curable? Then the answer will be no because 12 to 18 months are stage 4 brain cancer timeline.

But, if you ask, is stage 2 brain cancer curable? Then the answer can be yes because some treatments can help.


Treatments for Brain Cancer

I have brain cancer, how long will I live? As discussed, a brain specialist doctor in Patna also says that 12-18 months is the timeline for this condition.

But it doesn’t mean that you will surely die because certain types of brain cancer can be cured with the help of some treatment:


#1. Surgery

The most common treatment method that brain doctors opt for while noticing the first brain tumor warning signs is, surgery.

It aims to remove the tumor as much as possible in a safe way. In some cases, the tumors are removed completely by the surgeon. But even without complete removal, this helps in reducing the tumor size which gives a big relief to the patients.

This reduces the symptoms and also helps the doctor to decide what further treatment will be crucial to improve the patient’s condition.

Craniotomy is the most common surgery that is used to get rid of tumors. In this method, the surgeon opens the skull and performs the procedure.


#2. Radiotherapy

Is brain cancer painful? Many people who can detect their brain cancer in the early stages ask this question.

Well, according to the head specialist doctor in Patna, every patient has uniquely experienced brain cancer pain.

However, most of the patients experience constant headaches which get worse at night. This is why many patients opt for radiotherapy as it is the best way to slow down the progression of brain tumors.

Additionally, it is also a very helpful method for those patients whose conditions are not fit for surgery.

With time this method has become more and more effective. This is because the new technique now allows surgeons to target the brain tumor more precisely.


#3. Chemotherapy

Can you fully recover from brain cancer? Yes, some people were able to fully recover from brain cancer.

Chemotherapy is one method that plays an important role in those people’s recovery. In this technique, the doctors use drugs to control and slow down the tumor.

These can be taken orally or by injection. The doctors generally put the patients under chemotherapy after the procedure.

But, in some cases, chemotherapy alone can treat patients. However, it’s a popular belief that chemotherapy is not as effective for brain cancers as it is for other types of cancer.

This is because the blood-brain barrier protects the brain and acts as a shield against chemotherapy drugs.


#4. Proton Therapy

If you are a young fellow then you don’t know whether you can live a long life with a brain tumor or not. This is why everyone should be aware of how to detect brain tumors at home.

Keep in mind that life expectancy in this health condition is much less than the other health issues.

That’s why medical science keeps inventing new methods to treat this problem. Proton therapy is one such treatment that may sound new to some people.

This procedure allows the surgeon to deliver a high dosage of radiation directly to the area where the tumor is located. It is very helpful for treating brain cancers within sensitive areas.


#5. Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy (LITT)

If you struggle with questions like “How do I know I had a brain tumor” then you must be aware of its common signs and symptoms.

However, if you failed to detect it and have a feeling of having his issue then search for “head specialist doctor near me” and then tell them about your concern.

If he can detect it in early stages then later interstitial thermal therapy will help you to fix this deadly issue. It is a new technique that helps in treating primary and hard-to-reach brain tumors.

In LITT the surgeon implants a laser catheter into the tumor and then heats it to a high temperature that eventually kills the tumor.

So, after knowing about these treatments we believe now you know the answer to your question “Is brain cancer curable or not”.

However, don’t get relaxed after knowing that it can be treated. Try to learn how to prevent brain tumors and what causes brain tumors if you wish to keep your loved ones away from this disease.


Breakthroughs in Brain Cancer Research

While figuring out whether brain cancer is curable or not we get to know that it depends on numerous factors. In some cases, it can be cured and in some, it stays with the patients till death.

Whatever may be the case there is no harm in trying and that’s why doctors use different treatments to improve a patient’s life.

So, if your loved one is suffering from this disease then don’t lose hope and contact Big Apollo Spectra Patna.

At this health center, you will get the opportunity to meet top neuro doctors of Patna who are well-trained in dealing with severe brain tumors and cancer cases.

Additionally, at this advanced neuro hospital in Patna, you will also get a super friendly and welcoming environment. Regional folks entrust us with these brain issues because of our proven success records.

So, hurry and leave your cancer problems to us by booking an online appointment through our website.