How To Treat Conjunctivitis Eye – What You Need to Know

How To Treat Conjunctivitis Eye

Conjunctivitis is an eye condition that causes the eye to become pink and irritated, this is why it is also known as pink eye.

In most cases, a general healthcare provider can treat and diagnose this issue by knowing the symptoms and recent medical history.

But in some rare cases, one may have to get in touch with the best ENT doctor in Patna. They will take a sample of the liquid that drains from your eyes for laboratory analysis.

After analyzing it they will provide you with a suitable treatment. If you wish to meet one such doctor then you can come to Big Apollo Spectra.

Here you will get the chance to meet the top 5 doctors in Patna. Not only that at our hospital you will also get to experience the world-class environment.

So, wait no longer to book an online appointment with our ENT experts if you suffer from severe pink eye. Meanwhile, this blog will tell you how to treat conjunctivitis eye at the ease of your home.

So, if you wonder, can I treat conjunctivitis myself? Then after completing this blog, you will not.


How to Treat Conjunctivitis Eye?

Does conjunctivitis go away on its own? Well according to the ENT specialist doctor in Patna, most of the time it goes away on its own and that’s why the treatment is usually focused on symptoms relief.

What is the fastest way to cure conjunctivitis?


#1. Cold compress

Applying a cold compress on your eyes is the best conjunctivitis self-care that one can follow. Moist washcloths or hand towels can do wonders for your eyes when you are suffering from conjunctivitis.

It works by reducing the sticky buildup of discharge on the eyelids or crust. They form on eyelashes that create difficulty in seeing.

Additionally, they also help to relieve itching and inflammation from the eyes, which will cause you discomfort.

To make a cold compress, soak a clean, lint-free cloth in water and out before gently applying it to your closed eyelids.

However, when using these methods remember not to wash or rub your eyes especially if you are suffering from allergic conjunctivitis.


#2. Damp Cloth Clean

If you are wondering, how can I clean my eyes with conjunctivitis at home? Then a damp cloth will come in handy for you.

Those who have bacterial pink eyes experience thick charge, or pus, leaks from the eyes which is very discomforting. These pus dry out quickly and form a crust along the edge of the eyelids.

It may create difficulty in opening the eyes, especially in the morning. If you are experiencing it then you must use the damp cloth clean method as it is the best bacterial conjunctivitis treatment out there.

Use warm damp cloths and try to remove the pus from the eyes and lashes. Pink eye will last for a week and using this method will help you to manage its symptoms.


#3. Eye Drops

Is pink eye contagious? Yes, according to the top 10 ENT specialists in Patna pink eyes are very contagious.

This is why some pharmaceutical brands have launched eye drops especially to fight the disease. But, can eye drops cure conjunctivitis for real or is it just a gimmick product?

Usually, antibiotic eye drops for conjunctivitis don’t work because it is usually viral. The best eye drops for pink eye are non-prescription ones which are also known as artificial tears. They relieve symptoms like no other medicines.

Some conjunctivitis eye drops also contain antihistamines that help people with allergic conjunctivitis. They remove traces of the allergens which are very crucial in allergic conjunctivitis.


#4. Medication

In the opinion of the best ENT doctor in Patna, Kankarbagh, people should also opt for medicines to deal with this issue at ease in their homes.

They target the cause of the infection which helps in getting rid of this eye problem faster. We have heard that antibiotic eye drops are not that effective in dealing with viral conjunctivitis.

This is why ENT specialists in Patna Kankarbagh suggest their patients go for antiviral medications.

Not only that, some health experts will also advise you to use pain relief medicine to manage the pain and discomfort.

But, what is the best medicine for conjunctivitis? Well for that you have to get in touch with the best ENT hospital in Patna.


#5. Avoid Triggers

If you wish to get rid of pink eye quickly then you have to avoid the triggers. This will not only prevent irritation and infection but will also support the healing process.

Some common triggers for conjunctivitis are allergens, smoke, dust, and chemicals. These can worsen the symptoms or cause new flare-ups.

Additionally, most people don’t know that touching the eyes is also a trigger that affects the eye. It will not only exacerbate the symptoms but will also spread the infection to others.

If still, you have touched your eyes then don’t do it before washing your hands thoroughly.


#6. Stop Wearing Contact Lenses

This may sound bizarre to some people but avoiding wearing contact lenses can be beneficial in this particular condition.

Health experts advise their patients to remove contact lenses for 10 to 12 days because they can be a source of reinfection. This is the reason why your doctor may also advise you to completely disinfect or discard the previously worn lenses and even their cases.

Additionally, it is also believed that removing them can support the healing process. This is because they tend to dry the eyes which interferes with recovery.

If you check the answers of the best ENT doctors in Patna Quora then you will see most of them talking of this advice too.

So these were some tips on how to treat conjunctivitis eye problems. Additionally, if these tips are not improving your situation then you may be suffering from severe issues that need professional attention.


Preventing and Treating Conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is a common problem that can happen to anyone. But, there is no need to worry because most of the time it goes away on its own.

This is why its treatments are mostly helpful in suppressing the symptoms. In this blog, we have given you 7 such tips on how to treat conjunctivitis eye.

All of them are effective in diminishing the symptoms and boosting the healing process. However, if these tips are not providing you relief then you must contact Big Apollo Spectra.

At this Apollo Hospital in Patna, you will get the chance to meet the top ENT doctors who are experts in their fields.

Not only that the treatments here are also affordable so that any individual can avail of their benefits. Because of this our health center is pretty popular and that’s why we are generally overbooked.

So, don’t waste more time and book your online appointment if you are fed up with pink eyes.