How To Keep Cholesterol Levels Under Control Without Medication?

How To Keep Cholesterol Levels Under Control

If you don’t want to be at a higher risk of getting heart disease then you must focus on controlling your cholesterol.

Well, this waxy fat-like substance is not generally bad as the body must make healthy cells. But, it has a bad reputation in the health industry because too much of it leads to numerous complications.

Health experts say that there are two types of cholesterol. The first one is high-density lipoprotein (HDL) which is good cholesterol and the second one is Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) also known as bad cholesterol.

According to the best urologist in Patna, high amounts of bad cholesterol in the body can result in heart disease because it forms plaque in the arteries.

So, how to lower LDL cholesterol naturally? Well, there are many ways to do it and in this blog, we are going to discuss some of the most common ones. So, without any further ado let’s start the blog.


How to Keep Cholesterol Levels Under Control?

Now we know that keeping the LDL or bad cholesterol level in check is very crucial for overall well-being. There are some medications that one can use to lower their LDL but you can do it naturally too if you want to.

Opting for the natural ways will give you a permanent solution by changing your lifestyle. The medicines will only work as a cure but lifestyle changes will help you prevent it in the future also.

So, if you are wondering how to keep cholesterol levels under control naturally then follow these tips:


#1. Avoid Trans Fats

If you search for “What are the 5 worst foods for cholesterol?” then foods with trans fat will always come on the top. They not only raise your LDL but lower the HDL and increase your risk of getting heart attack and stroke.

This is why urologist doctors in Patna always suggest their patients read the level nutrition label before opening the food packet and putting it into their mouth. Avoid all those food options that have trans fat.


#2. Maintain Weight

How can cholesterol be reduced quickly? The simple answer to this question is “lose weight”. Yes, you read it right, losing or going back to your ideal weight is the most helpful thing that you can do to lower the level of LDL.

Studies claim that losing weight not only lowers the LDL but also increases the level of HDL in the body. HDL is a good cholesterol that lowers the bad cholesterol.


#3. Eat Fish

Our eating habits play a crucial role in our overall health.

Eating good foods is the best medicine to get rid of any kind of disease. So, what foods reduce cholesterol? Many food options reduce bad cholesterol and fish is one of them.

Those people who eat red meat should replace it with fish if they wish to have a healthy heart. Fish reduces the exposure to saturated fat which helps in lowering LDL.

Additionally, they are also filled with Omega 3 fats which are good for the heart.


#4. Exercise

If you are eager to know how we can reduce cholesterol naturally with little effort then you must opt for an exercise routine.

Just 150 minutes of aerobic activity per week will be enough to lower cholesterol.

Along with exercise also try to keep moving your body while working or spending time with your loved ones. So, this is how to reduce cholesterol without medication.


#5. Use Olive Oil

Most people start focusing on their health when they get warning signs from their doctors. This is why people keep searching for things like, how to reduce cholesterol in 7 days.

According to the best urologist doctor in Patna, it is possible to lower the LDL in a week but taking it to a healthy level will take months.

To reduce cholesterol levels in weeks you must replace the butter and other unhealthy cooking oil with olive oils.

Sunflower oil or grapeseed oil will also be a good choice if you are wondering how to reduce cholesterol in 30 days.


#6. Quit smoking

If you are a smoker then be aware because it is linked to higher levels of LDL. Health experts claim that quitting smoking can improve HDL cholesterol, which will eventually support the lowering of LDL.

If you lack motivation to quit then here it is.

Do, you know that within 20 minutes of quitting a cigarette, the blood pressure gets back to normal? And after three months the blood circulation and lung function begin to improve.


#7. Drink Alcohol in Moderation

It’s a well-known fact that alcohol is not good for health in any way, especially for the heart.

However, some health experts claim that drinking alcohol at a moderate level is linked to a higher level of HDL cholesterol.

So, if you drink alcohol then try to keep it in moderation. Also, remember that according to the best kidney doctor in Patna, the benefits aren’t that much enough to recommend a nondrinker to opt for drinking.


#8. Have one vegetarian meal every week

As we have discussed in the previous section, red meat is not good for cholesterol because of the saturated fat.

Health experts claim that nonveg food, in general, is not good for lowering cholesterol compared to veg food options.

This is why if you look for foods that lower cholesterol fast then you come across more veg options than the nonveg. That’s the reason health experts get their clients to eat at least one vegetarian meal every week.


#9. Embrace low-fat milk

Dairy products are another food to avoid with high cholesterol. But, lowering lDL should also not lead to giving up everything you enjoy.

So, try to make smart choices if you love milk then opt for low-fat options.

Additionally, food items like cheese, yogurt, and cream try to rely on low-fat dairy products. People also drink soya milk instead of the regular one to keep cholesterol in check.

So, these are some tips on how to keep cholesterol levels under control. After knowing what reduces cholesterol quickly naturally, if you still have other questions like “Can garlic decrease cholesterol?”

Or if you wish to know more about a cholesterol diet then you must get in touch with a good doctor in Patna, who is an expert in the field of cholesterol and heart issues.


What Reduces Cholesterol Quickly Naturally?

While figuring out how to keep cholesterol levels under control we get to know that cholesterol is not always bad.

They are crucial for the body but they become dangerous when in access. There are two types of cholesterol HDL which is good cholesterol and LDL which is considered bad. We have given you 9 tips to keep LDL in check.

If you wish to know more about a low-cholesterol diet then you must come to Big Apollo Spectra.

Here you will get the chance to meet the best urologist in Patna who will give some effective and proven advice to keep your heart health in check.

Additionally, this hospital is also famous for its world-class environment and personalized treatment. Those who want to get treated by us can book an online appointment via this website.