Heart Attack vs Cardiac Arrest: How to Recognize Signs?

Heart Attack vs Cardiac Arrest

Every other day we hear news of someone collapsing on the ground because of a heart attack. Imagine you are sitting with your friends and suddenly you see a stranger clutching his chest. Wouldn’t it be terrifying?

Well, many have experienced this situation and according to them providing the patients with the right treatment quickly is the key to saving their life. Most people relate any such heart issue with a heart attack.

As the best heart hospital in Patna, we deal with numerous heart patients every year. In the opinion of our experts, this type of situation can also be the result of cardiac arrest.

If you are someone who can’t conclude the debate, heart attack vs cardiac arrest then this blog is for you.

In this blog, we will discuss heart attack vs cardiac arrest symptoms along with their causes. So, without any further ado let’s start the blog.


Heart Attack vs Cardiac Arrest – A Comprehensive Guide

Most people confuse a heart attack with cardiac arrest and vice versa. If you are also one of them then know that both the health conditions are different.

They look the same because they are related to cardiac health.

A heart attack occurs when the arteries that carry the oxygen-rich blood to the heart get blocked due to some reason. This affects a particular region of the blood and creates numerous difficulties.

Whereas cardiac arrest makes a person unconscious and reduces their pluses. This happens because of the electrical malfunction of the heart that leads to abnormal heartbeats.

So, which is more dangerous: heart attack or cardiac arrest? Well according to the best cardiologist in Patna cardiac arrest is more severe as it can result in death within minutes. This statement may have made you wonder, can cardiac arrest be cured?

Yes, one can survive cardiac arrest with fast and appropriate medical care. To provide patients with quick and appropriate medical care one has to be aware of its symptoms first.


Symptoms of Cardiac Arrest

Now we know which is more serious, a heart attack or a cardiac arrest.  A sudden cardiac arrest can be much more dangerous and life-threatening than a heart attack.

To tackle these health conditions one needs to take the patients to the medical care at the right time. Even the slightest mistake can lead to death within a minute.

This is why the best cardiac surgeon in Patna advice every heart Patient to be aware of some common signs and symptoms of cardiac arrest:

  • Sudden collapse
  • Discomfort in Chest
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fast-beating
  • No pulse
  • Loss of consciousness

Remember that most of the time cardiac arrest occurs without any warning. A patienst would not even feel pain before its occurrence.

So, if you were wondering “Is cardiac arrest painful” then this was your answer. However, unlike cardiac arrest, most of the time heart attacks come with symptoms that everyone should be aware of.


Symptoms of Cardiac Heart Attack

Do you know what comes first, heart attack or cardiac arrest? Well according to the best cardiac doctor in Patna, cardiac arrest can take place after a heart attack.

It increases the risk of cardiac arrest by disrupting the heart’s electrical activity. This means the key to preventing cardiac arrest is treating the heart attack as soon as possible.

To get a quick and appropriate treatment you must be aware of its symptoms:

  • Pain and tightness in the Chest
  • Pain in shoulder, arms back, neck, and jaw
  • Cold Sweat
  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath
  • Heartburn or indigestion

Additionally, some people may also feel nausea because symptoms of heart attack vary according to the patient’s health condition. Interestingly some people may also have no symptoms.

So this was all about the symptoms of heart attacks and cardiac arrest. Being aware of the symptoms will only help you cure the health condition.

However, if you wish to prevent these life-threatening issues then you need to be aware of the reason behind their causes.


Causes of Cardiac Arrest

Knowing what causes cardiac arrest will be very helpful in reducing the risk of getting affected by this disease.

Till now we know that the disruption in the heart’s electrical system malfunctions is one of the causes of an abnormal heart rhythm. Other causes of cardiac arrest are:

  • Blood vessel abnormalities
  • Thickened heart muscle
  • Heart medications
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Heart valve disease
  • Cardiomyopathy

People who suffer from any of these health conditions are at risk for cardiac arrest. We know that the cardiac event is not a heart attack and that their causes are also different.


Causes of Heart Attack

People keep searching queries like heart attack vs myocardial infarction on the internet without knowing that both terms denote the same problem.

The information one must look for is the causes behind the deadly issue. This will help you prevent heart attacks and live a healthy life. So, here are some of the causes of heart attack:

  • Coronary artery spasm
  • Certain infections
  • Anomalous coronary arteries
  • Hypoxia
  • Eating disorders
  • Trauma
  • Rare medical conditions

Other health conditions that cause heart attacks can be smoking,  a high-fat diet, diabetes, and high cholesterol.

So, now we know what is the main cause of cardiac arrest and heart disease. However, even after knowing the causes if your loved ones get affected by this health condition then what will you do?


What to do during Heart Attack and Cardiac Arrest?

Can CPR save a heart attack? Those who are unaware of the right emergency life-saving procedures can ask questions like these.

According to the heart specialist in Patna, in case of a heart attack or cardiac emergency, one must first call a medical emergency number.

Now after that, if you are sure that it is a heart attack then use prescribed medicines like aspirin and nitroglycerin.

If it is the case of a cardiac attack then you can do Standard CPR in which a rescuer gives 30 compressions and then two breaths. You can also call your family doctor as he will be able to give the right guidance during the time of a medical emergency.

So, we believe that after coming this far in the blog you will be able to conclude the ongoing debate heart attack vs cardiac arrest.


Distinguishing Heart Attacks from Cardiac Arrests

In this blog, we get to learn about the differences between heart attack and cardiac arrest. We also learn what steps to take during these two health conditions.

You can contact Big Apollo Spectra too during any emergency medical condition. We are famous in the city as the best emergency hospital in Patna.

Our health experts are ready to treat critical cases 24×7. Here you get the chance to meet the best heart doctor in Patna who will provide you with personalized treatment.

So, don’t forget to give a call to Big Apollo Spectra in emergency cases like heart attack and cardiac arrest.